Pinocchio Feeder with Blue Stripes
The Pinocchio Manger is the inevitable consequence of the special relationship that binds us to the Pinocchio Nest.
In fact, it follows the invoice and even surpasses it by equipping itself with a drawer to store food, windows to reach it freely and a small frayed roof to shelter it from the weather. The drawer is easily removable for thorough cleaning.
The curtains, the lace that decorates the base and the pine cone below, are built entirely by hand.
We make these feeders in very few specimens with the best outdoor materials.
We build it with three windows, so that it can be hung on a tree or on the wall of the house. We also build it with four windows and equip it with a chain to let it hang from a branch or from the ceiling of a porch.
Under the roof we prepare the hook to hang the ball of fat which thus remains sheltered from the rain.
Base cm 31×31
Height 90 cm
Feeder with 4 windows, to hang with chain.
Categorie: Feeder, PINOCCHIO FEEDER
Peso | 2150 kg |
Dimensioni | 100 × 25 × 35 cm |
Scegli il colore | Arancio/Avorio, Burberry, Multicolor, Verde/Sabbia |
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Using creativity and imagination I have created this manger that is always different in shapes and colors. If placed in the garden or on the balcony, in addition to attracting and feeding birds, it always makes a smile for the observer.
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H. Tot. 18 cm
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Using creativity and imagination I have created this manger that is always different in shapes and colors. If placed in the garden or on the balcony, in addition to attracting and feeding birds, it always makes a smile for the observer.
Before the BETTI-BU ‘manger there was no such thing for birds that was made from a bamboo cane, so I gave it my name.
In its smallest format, this manger is designed with a hole in the back to be hung on the wall of the house or on the trunk of a tree.
Stem diameter 8/9 cm
H. Tot. 18 cm
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Mangiatoia Pinocchio decorata a righe Azzurro cenere, con filetti Oro
La Mangiatoia Pinocchio è la conseguenza inevitabile del rapporto speciale che ci lega al Nido Pinocchio.
Infatti ne ricalca la fattura e anzi la supera dotandosi di un cassettino per riporre il cibo, finestrelle per raggiungerlo liberamente e una piccola tettoia sfrangiata per ripararlo della intemperie. Il cassetto é facilmente estraibile per una accurata pulizia.
Le tendine, il merletto che ne decora la base e la pigna sottostante, sono costruiti completamente a mano.
Realizziamo queste mangiatoie in pochissimi esemplari con i migliori materiali da esterno.
La costruiamo con tre finestrelle, affinché venga appesa a un albero o al muro di casa. La costruiamo anche con quattro finestrelle e la dotiamo di una catena per lasciarla pendere da un ramo o dal soffitto di un portico.
Sotto al tetto predisponiamo il gancio per appendere la pallina di grasso che così rimane al riparo dalla pioggia.
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Mangiatoia con 3 finestrelle, da appendere a parete o sul tronco di un albero.
Chalet Bird Feeder Green / Brown Checks
€110.00Green / Brown Rhombus Bird Feeder handcrafted in marine plywood. Equipped with an easily washable and commercially available plastic tray.
Hand decorated and finished in stucco with a floral decorative element.
Suitable for outdoor use and can be placed on the trunk of a tree or in a wall.
Height: 34cm Width: 32cm Depth: 16cm