La Bottega di Betti

La Bottega di Betti is an artisan workshop where skills and knowledge have been handed down for three generations. In the first post-war period, Betti Pasquale began his craft activity as a furniture lacquerer and soon became a restorer for the municipality of Rimini.

(Rimini 1972 – Betti Pasquale near the Arch of Augustus intent on measuring the medieval walls)

(Rimini 1970 – Deposit of the Civic Museum of Rimini. Betti Pasquale intent on inventorying archaeological finds of Roman origin.)
He participated in numerous restorations and discoveries including that of the famous Roman mosaic depicting the port of Rimini which still represents one of the most important historical testimonies of the Rimini area.

(Palazzo Diotallevi Via Tempio Malatestiano – Betti Pasquale during the discovery of the Roman mosaic depicting the port of Rimini)

(Rimini 1970s Betti Pasquale in the restoration laboratories of the municipality of Rimini)
His son Maurizio Betti inherited the passion from his father and has become a highly specialized craftsman who has been present for years in the most important construction sites in Emilia Romagna. His artisan skills range from the production of stuccoes and plasters built on site, to lacquering and gilding of furniture, wall decoration with trompe l’oeil, grotesques, antique effects, boiseries, hand-painted wallpapers and reconstruction in the ancient way of the vaults of the ceilings, of plaster colonnades.
In turn, Maurizio passed on his knowledge and skills to his son Jonathan Betti with whom he has been working for years.

(Maurizio at work on a wall decoration in an ancient building)

(Santarcangelo di Romagna 2016-from left Jonathan, Pasquale and Maurizio Betti)
Maurizio’s passion for nature and ornithology are expressed in a line for the garden that he realizes completely by hand in the Bottega di Santarcangelo di Romagna together with his partner Loredana.
Numerous inventions of fantasy that furnish and decorate terraces and gardens: I Gazott, statues in cement mortar; the Garden of necessity, created by restoring and decorating old disused aluminum pans; Nests, Feeders and Aviaries for birds so enchanting as to seem straight out of a fairy tale, and much more.

The Gazott

The Garden of Necessity
Each piece is designed with the originality and passion that distinguishes Betti’s workshop, without ever neglecting the functional aspect and the quality of life and refreshment they offer to the animal.
Betti’s workshop is always available for the customization, maintenance and restoration of its products which are always accompanied by a guarantee certificate attesting to the quality of the materials, the originality of the design and the craftsmanship “Made in Italy. “.
The Shop in Santarcangelo di Romagna

It is a magical place.
An old stable that Maurizio has restored with respect and competence. It is located in the historic heart of Santarcangelo di Romagna, in the center of a courtyard hidden from the eyes of passers-by.
The magic of the nests, kennels and decorations of the Bottega di Betti is best expressed in this space set up specifically to express Maurizio’s love for the garden, the house and pets.

La Bottega

We invite you to visit it also on the occasion of the renowned ones
events that animate the country. Visit by appointment.
Cell. 339 8394715
The Shop

Il Negozio
It is here that you can find all the products that are born in the Bottega. An elegant space where we put at your disposal the “curiosities” we produce. Original unique pieces, nests, decorated boxes, lamps, candle holders, gift ideas and small pieces of furniture.
A sort of ironic and amused Wunderkammer (room of wonders) that collects the “oddities” of our imagination. We are waiting for you to present our skills by leafing through the photographs of the work we have carried out together and to satisfy your search for original and unique handmade objects in Italy.
Viale Vespucci 29
Palazzo Arpesella shop n. 3 / G
47921 – Rimini

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